This article will cover the following additional Professional Learning pages:
- My District PL
- District PL Goals
Note: Users will only have access to the My District PL page if they are assigned a module from their district's PL Builder. Users will only have access to the District PL Goals page if their district has published Professional Learning Goals in Success Indicator 31. Additionally, these pages must be marked as available in the district's PL Navigation settings.
Video Clips:
The clip below from the PL Builder Overview demonstrates the My District PL page from 3:40-4:25 before moving on to demonstrate tools for Building PL Modules.
The clip below from the article on SI 31 & District PL Goals demonstrates the District PL Goals page from 2:30 onward.
Update: A progress bar and status icon has been added to indicate the logged in user's progress on each goal. See Image 2B below.
Written Explanation with Visuals:
My District PL Page
Image 1A above: Navigation to My District PL page
Image 1B above: My District PL page
Users access their assigned district-created modules from the PL Builder on the My District PL page. Most users will not have access to this page in the navigation, shown in Image 1A above, until they are assigned a module. They can then complete the module, just like the Modern Teacher PL modules.
One feature found in the district PL modules that differs from the Modern Teacher modules is the quiz feature. For more information, see the article on Creating & Completing Pre-Assessments & Literacy Checks.
Note, PL Managers may receive access to the My District PL page even if they are not assigned a module; if a module is assigned to the School, Cohort, or District they manage, they'll receive access to the page. They can then use the Coaching View to access the appropriate users’ work and provide feedback. PL Managers can also access a table, shown in Image 1C and 1D below, with information on which users have been assigned which district-created modules. District-level PL Managers will see this information for all assigned district-created modules, which School and Cohort Managers will see only the modules assigned to their school or cohort.
Image 1C above: Click to reveal table with module assignments, to the left of the Coaching View user select
Image 1D above: Module assignments, visible to PL Managers
District PL Goals Page
Image 2A Above: Navigation to Published District PL Goals Page
Image 2B Above: Published District PL Goals Page with Custom Image
District leaders work in Success Indicator 31 to create and publish the District PL Goals. This action adds a new option in the dropdown navigation below Professional Learning for users in your district, shown in Image 2A above. Clicking this option will take you to the new District PL Goals Page, Image 2B, which displays the text of each goal.
Clicking the goal expands an area below with access to the aligned modules for that goal. Users can complete these modules here, or in the Modern Teacher PL and/or District PL pages. Work on the same module between these locations will sync. PL Managers can also access the Coaching View from this page as well as the Modern Teacher PL and District PL pages. Note: District-created modules will only be visible on the District PL Goals Page to users who have been assigned those modules.
Your progress on each goal is indicated with a status icon and progress bar. The example in Image 2B above shows that the user has completed all modules for Goal 1. On Goal 2, they are Complete on the first module, In Progress on the second, and Not Started on the third, so their overall status on Goal 2 is In Progress. When using the Coaching View, the status icon and progress bar will update to that of the selected user instead of showing your individual progress on each goal.
Image 2C above: Option to add an image of the district Instructional Model on the Goals page
When the District PL Goals page has been published, some users will have the option to add an image of the district's Instructional Model at the top of this page, as shown above. Users with the permissions to do this include the following: DCF Managers, PL Managers, the PL Driver Owner, and the SI 31 Owner. The addition of this visual is meant to reinforce the alignment between the Instructional Model and the 4 PL Goals. Once the image has been added, district users will see it at the top of the page as shown in Image 1C above. Prior to this image being added, regular district users will see only the expandable 4 Goals at the top of the District PL Goals page.