Goal Cycles

The Digital Convergence Framework is meant to provide guidance through a multi-year effort to transform traditional classrooms into modern learning environments. In order to keep this effort organized and manageable, each district is able to set its own Goal Cycles. This article will provide an overview of the following features:

  • Viewing a Goal Cycle
  • Editing a Goal Cycle
  • Finishing a Goal Cycle
  • Starting a New Goal Cycle

Note: Only users with access to the DCF can view the Framework and the District's Goal Cycle, and only users with certain permissions can start, edit, or finish Goal Cycles. 


The video below demonstrates how to view, edit, and finish a Goal Cycle, as well as how to start a new Goal Cycle and how to update the statuses and owners of the SIs in the Goal Cycle. Note that these features are demonstrated both in the Grid and List views of the Digital Convergence Framework and in the Goal Cycle page.


Update: You can now only start, edit, or finish a Goal Cycle from the DCF page, not the Goal Cycle page. This allows you to see your Projected Score update in real time as you edit your Goal Cycle. The Projected Stage is the stage your district will achieve on the DCF if you complete all SIs in your Goal Cycle. 



The animation below shows how to view and edit your district's Goal Cycle in both the Grid and List Views of the DCF. 



Written Explanation:

Viewing a Goal Cycle

If a Goal Cycle has been started for the district, all district users with access to the DCF can preview it on their Dashboard, as shown below. This visual can be used to quickly scan how many SIs are in the Goal Cycle, how many are not started, in progress, ready for review, or complete, and who has been assigned as the SI Owner for each SI. Hovering over an SI (shown with SI 35 below) provides a card with the SI title, the Stage and Driver the SI is in, the SI Owner's name, and a hyperlink to the more detailed SI Page. This view of the Goal Cycle is also available in the DCF tab of the District Reports


Users with access to the DCF can also view the Goal Cycle on the Digital Convergence Framework page by clicking the "Show Goals" option at the top-right corner. The "Show Goals" option then changes to "Hide Goals", which will return the user to the regular view of the DCF. Your selection to show or hide the goals will be retained even if you leave the page or log out. Users can also see the district's Current DCF Stage, and their Projected Stage. The Projected Stage is the stage your district will achieve on the DCF if you complete all SIs in your Goal Cycle. 

Note that only users with permissions to edit the Goal Cycle will have access to the pencil edit icon in the blue bar near the Projected Stage. Also note that on the Grid View, you can click any Stage or Driver to view a short list of the SIs in that Stage/Driver, and Goals will be highlighted or hidden depending on your Show/Hide Goals selection. Click the Stage/Driver again, or click the X in the upper-right corner, to return to the normal Grid View.


Above: Viewing a Goal Cycle on the Grid View of the DCF


Above: Viewing a Goal Cycle on the List View of the DCF

Lastly, users can now view the Goal Cycle on its own page, accessible via the dropdown menu below "Digital Convergence" in the main navigation. This page organizes all SIs in the Goal Cycle into rows by their SI Owner, and columns by their Status (Not Started, In Progress, Ready for Review, or Complete). SIs without an owner will appear in a row titled "Unassigned." 


Above: Viewing a Goal Cycle on the Goal Cycle page

Note, if you're viewing the Goal Cycle Page on a mobile device or small browser window, you'll only view one column at a time. By default, you'll view the Not Started column, but you can switch to view the other columns be selecting their status, as shown below.


Above: Mobile View of the Goal Cycle page


Editing a Goal Cycle

Users with the correct permissions (in this case, the district's DCF Managers and Driver Owners) can also edit the current Goal Cycle. These users can click the pencil edit icon near the Projected Stage in the blue bar, both on the Grid or List Views of the DCF. They can then edit the Target Date (click Calendar icon), as well as add or remove SIs from the Goal Cycle by checking or un-checking the box at the bottom left-hand corner (in Grid View) or right-hand side (in List View) of the SI Tile. When done editing, these users can click Save to update the Goal Cycle. They will be prompted to share their update in the News Feed, and the stats on the Dashboard and Reports will be updated to reflect their changes. 


Above: Editing a Goal Cycle on the Grid View of the DCF



Above: Editing a Goal Cycle on the List View of the DCF


Users cannot edit the Target Date or add/remove SIs to/from the Goal Cycle on the Goal Cycle page, shown above. On that page, however, some users can drag and drop the SIs on this to change their status and/or owner, as shown in the animation above. DCF Managers can change any SI Status and Owner. Driver Owners can change the status and owner of any SI in the Driver they own. SI Owners cannot change the owner, but they can change the status of their SI to/from Not Started, In Progress, and Ready for Review. Only DCF Managers and Driver Owners can change the SI from Ready for Review to Complete. 


Finishing a Goal Cycle

Users with the correct permissions (in this case, the district's DCF Managers and Driver Owners) can also finish the current Goal Cycle. Finishing the Goal Cycle will not change any SI Statuses, but will clear all SIs and the target date, providing a clean slate on which to start a new Goal Cycle (see below).

To Complete the Goal Cycle, click the pencil edit icon, and then click the Finish button in the yellow bar at the top of the Grid or List Views of the DCF. Users will be given a warning before finishing the Goal Cycle. Note, finishing the Goal Cycle will clear all goals and reset the Goal Cycle stats that appears on the Dashboard and Reports for all DCF users in the district.


Above: Finishing a Goal Cycle on the Grid View of the DCF


Above: Finishing a Goal Cycle on the List View of the DCF


Starting a New Goal Cycle

If the district does not have a current Goal Cycle, that section of their Dashboard and the Goal Cycle page will appear as shown below:


Above: Goal Cycle section of Dashboard when no Goal Cycle is set


Above: Goal Cycle page when no Goal Cycle is set

In this case, users with the correct permissions (again, the district's DCF Managers and Driver Owners) can start a new Goal Cycle. These users will have access to a "Start Goal Cycle" button in place of the "Show Goals" button on the DCF, as shown below. Note, a new Goal Cycle cannot be started from the Goal Cycle page, but it can be started from the Grid or List views of the DCF.


Above: Start Goal Cycle option on Grid View of DCF


Above: Start Goal Cycle option on List View of DCF

The user can complete the following steps to start a new Goal Cycle:

    1. Click the "Start Goal Cycle" Button.
    2. If in Grid View, click into any cell to view the individual SIs you might like to add to your Goal Cycle. If in List view, consider using the search box and filters to find the SIs you're looking for.
    3. To add an SI to your Goal Cycle, check the small box in the bottom left-hand corner (in Grid View) or far right (in List View) of the SI Tile, visible in the video and animated visuals above. Similarly, unchecking the box will remove the selection from your Goal Cycle.
    4. To add a Target Date to the Goal Cycle, click the small calendar icon in the blue bar need the Projected Stage and select a date from the calendar.
    5. Click "Save" in the yellow bar at the top of the DCF. The Goal Cycle will be started, and the user will be prompted to share in the News Feed. Note the stats on the Dashboard and Reports will be updated with the new Goal Cycle information.



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