This article will cover the following features of the PL Builder:
- Assigning Modules
- Publishing Modules
- My District PL page
Note: Only district-level PL Managers and invited Collaborators have access to the PL Builder. For more information, see the more detailed articles on PL Permissions and Inviting Collaborators.
Video Clip:
The clip below from the PL Builder Overview demonstrates Assigning & Publishing modules, and then accessing them on the My District PL page, from 3:12-4:25 before moving on to demonstrate additional tools for Building PL Modules.
Written Explanation with Visuals:
Image 1A above: Assign Option
Image 1B Above: Assign to the Entire District
Image 1C Above: Assign to select Schools or Cohorts
Assigning the module allows you to select which users in your district you’d like to have access to the module on the “My District PL” Page. You can assign to the Entire District (Image 1B above), or assign to Select Schools and/or Cohorts in your district (Image 1C above). If you’d like to assign the module to a group of users that is not yet set up, you can set them up as a Cohort if you have the appropriate PL permissions or District Management permissions.
If the module has not been published yet, the assigned users will not see the module until it is published. Once the module has been published for the first time, the assignment can be changed, and the newly assigned users will receive immediate access to the currently published version of the module. You do not have to re-publish to change the assignment.
Update: If the module has been published before, you now have the option of triggering an email notification to the assigned/unassigned users via a checkbox above the save button in the Assign Module popup. The assigned/unassigned users will receive an in-platform notification whether or not the email option is checked.
You can unassign the module from Schools or Cohorts by un-selecting them in the popup shown in Image 1B above. When the module is unassigned, users will be unable to access their work on the module, including their micro-certifications and any comments they’ve made or attachments they’ve uploaded to the module's pages/tiles. If you later decide to re-assign the module to the same users, their work will become accessible again, and their tile statuses and micro-certifications will be retained from the last time it was assigned to them.
Image 2A above: Unpublished Module
Image 2B above: Tile with Unpublished Changes
While creating a new module in the PL Builder, you’ll notice the entire module is marked with an orange “Unpublished” border, shown in Image 2A above. When you’re ready to make the module available for users to complete, you must first Assign and then Publish the module. The assigned users will receive a notification based on their General Notification Preferences, and the module will then become available on their My District PL page, shown below.
After a module has been published for the first time, you can continue working on it in the PL Builder. Your changes will not be visible to the assigned users until the module is published again. If you add new tiles or new copies of tiles, they will be marked with an orange “Unpublished” border. If you make changes to a published tile, the tile will be marked with an orange “Unpublished Changes” boarder. If you rearrange or delete tiles, those tiles will also be marked with orange borders titled “Rearranged” or “Deleted.” Before publishing, all unpublished changes can be undone. You can Revert the changed tiles and Restore the Deleted Tiles as explained in the article on Building PL Modules. Once the module is published again, your updates will become available to the assigned users, and you will be unable to undo these changes.
Note, you do not need to re-assign the module when you publish updates. Once the module has been assigned and published for the first time, the assignment can be changed without re-publishing, and the module can be re-published without re-assigning.
Also note, if you add a new tile to a module after a user has completed their micro-certification, their micro-certification will remain Complete and the new tile will be automatically marked as Attained. Unless the tile is a Pre-Assessment, the user will still have the option to manually complete the tile, but it will be optional because the user has already received their micro-certification on the module.
Update: You now have the option of triggering an email notification to the assigned users via a checkbox above the save button in the Publish Module popup. The assigned users will receive an in-platform notification whether or not the email option is checked.
My District PL Page
Image 3A above: Navigation to My District PL page
Image 3B above: My District PL page
Users access their assigned district-created modules on the My District PL page. Most users will not have access to this page in the navigation, shown in Image 3A above, until they are assigned a module. They can then complete the module, just like the Modern Teacher PL modules.
One exception is for PL Managers; even if they are not assigned a module, they will receive access to the page when a module is assigned to the School, Cohort, or District they manage. They can then use the Coaching View to access the appropriate users’ work and provide feedback. PL Managers can also access a table, shown in Image 3C and 3D below, with information on which users have been assigned which district-created modules. District-level PL Managers will see this information for all assigned district-created modules, which School and Cohort Managers will see only the modules assigned to their school or cohort.
Image 3C above: Click to reveal table with module assignments, to the left of the Coaching View user select
Image 3D above: Module assignments, visible to PL Managers