SI News Feed

This article provides information on the New Feed found within the SI Page.

Note: Only users with access to the DCF can view and be assigned to work on Success Indicators. Users without access to the DCF do not see DCF-related posts in the News Feed on the Dashboard.


This clip from the Success Indicators Overview shows the SI News Feed from 2:00-2:20 before moving on to demonstrate SI Discussions


 Update: You now have the option of adding a news feed post. See below for details.




Written Explanation:

Toward the bottom of each SI Page, you'll see a News Feed, similar to the News Feed on the Dashboard. This News Feed is automatically filtered to only include posts related to the SI you're currently viewing.

You can "like" and comment on each of these posts, and view the likes and the first three comments just below the post. Click the comment icon to view all comments or add your own. In the comment popup, you can subscribe to receive notifications when the item is liked or commented on. Additionally, you can filter this News Feed to show posts from All Districts or only My District, and All Posts or posts that include Files Only.

You can also now use the "Add Post" button to write a brief post to appear in the News Feed for that SI, and you can choose to share these posts with all districts or keep it private to your district. Note, these manually added posts appear only in the News Feed within the SI; they do not appear on the Dashboard News Feed. For more detail and visuals on this functionality, see the detailed article on the News Feed & Sharing

Note, if no content has yet been shared for the SI, the News Feed section will be hidden until an post related to the selected SI is shared.

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