For initial setup, please complete the attached Users Import Template and return it to Modern Teacher.
Only columns marked "Basic Info" are necessary. You can assign permissions in this import in the columns labeled "Optional Permissions", but this step is optional and permissions can always be assigned later. For more details on permissions, see the articles on District Management Permissions, DCF Permissions, and PL Permissions. Note that if your district is set up for Single Sign On, you will have an additional column in the template. For questions on Single Sign On, please contact Modern Teacher Support. Additional optional columns are also available for assigning users to Schools and Cohorts for Professional Learning, but this step can also be completed at a later time. For more information, see the article on Managing District Users and Managing Schools and Cohorts.
After initial setup, the district's Users Managers can import new users by following the steps below.
Written Explanation with Visuals:
1. Navigate to the District Management option in the dropdown below your name.
2. Click on the Users tab, then click Import.
3. Download and complete the Import template, then upload it and click Import.
Users Import Template Attached: