PL Micro-Certifications & Stats

Your Dashboard provides some quick visualizations of your personal and district professional learning stats. This article will provide more detail on the following:

  • Micro-Certifications
  • Comparison Stats
  • Individual User Results

Video Clip:

The clip below from the Dashboard Overview demonstrates these stats from 1:11-2:42 before continuing to demonstrate the News Feed section.


Update: The Comparison Stats can now be downloaded as CSV files. 


Written Explanation with Visuals:


On each available Professional Learning Module on the Modern Teacher PL page (and, if available, the My District PL and District PL Goals pages), you can earn two Micro-Certifications. The Literacy Micro-Certification is achieved by completing all Literacy pages in the Module, or by passing the Pre-Assessment. This Literacy half of the module is meant to provide new information, helping you to acquire new knowledge and skills. Your status on Literacy is represented by the left half of the badge in this section of the Dashboard - it is Grey if the section has not been started, Orange if at least one page has been started, and Green/Complete only after all Literacy pages have been completed or tested out of. 

The Fluency Micro-Certification is achieved by completing all of the Fluency pages in the Module, some of which may require review by your Cohort, School, or District PL Manager. The Fluency half of the module allows for opportunities to apply and receive coaching on the new knowledge and skills acquired in Literacy. Your status on Fluency is represented by the left half of the badge in the Micro-Certification section of the Dashboard - it is Grey if the section has not been started, Orange if at least one page has been started, and Green/Complete only after all Fluency pages have been marked as Complete.  If a module does not contain a Fluency level, then the badge will have only a check for Literacy instead of both a check and a star for Literacy and Fluency.

Note that you can hide/show this section of your Dashboard with the option in the upper-right corner of the section. Also note that when you receive a new Micro-Certification, this accomplishment is automatically shared in the News Feed unless you opt-out on your edit profile page.

Comparison Stats


It's easy to see how you're doing compared to your District average in this section. If you are a Member or Manager of a School or Cohort, you'll also be able to see those averages in this section. If you are a Member or Manager of multiple Schools or Cohorts, a dropdown will be available for you to toggle between them. Click the download icon in the bottom-right corner of each circle graph to export the data as a CSV file. If you'd like the data for just one module, select the module from the top dropdown before exporting.

The default view is to show the average across All Modules at the Literacy level, but filters are available to select any Module you have access to at the Literacy or Fluency level to see how many users are Not Started, In Progress, and Complete on that Micro-Certification. 

Note that you can hide/show your Personal Stats pie chart with the option in the upper-right corner of the section.

Also note that only users who have logged in to the platform at least once can be counted in these Comparison Stats. For instance, if a new Cohort was just uploaded, but the PL Manager has decided not to send out the Welcome Email and have users start logging in, their stats won't start counting in the Cohort or District stats until they log in. (For more information on School and Cohort creation, see the article on Managing District Schools and Cohorts.)

Finally, be aware that some users are excluded from the Comparison Stats for their District. By default, users with access to the Digital Convergence Framework are marked as not counting in the PL Stats. These Comparison Stats are meant primarily to measure teacher progress, and because most users with DCF access are administrators, they are excluded by default. They can, however, be manually edited to count in the stats. Also, users are excluded if they have been manually marked by a PL Manager or Users Manager not to count in these stats. In this case and the case of DCF users, they will not appear in the Individual User Results (see below) and will not count towards the total number of users in the District or in any School or Cohort in which they have been assigned as a member. A note in the Comparison Stats section of these users' Dashboards will inform them "Your stats are currently being excluded." See the information on editing a user for more details on how remove users from the PL stats. 

Individual User Results


Depending on your Professional Learning Permissions, you may have an additional layer of data within the Comparison Stats section. After selecting a Module, you can access the Individual User Results below the pie chart for your School, Cohort, and/or District. Clicking this option expands this area, listing all Members of the selected School, Cohort, or District, with their status on the selected Module at the Literacy of Fluency level. You can also click the download icon to the right of the Individual User Results option to export the data as a CSV.

To narrow the results, you can filter by status, including a filter option to show users who have not yet logged in to the platform and are therefore not counted in the pie chart above. These users will appear greyed out with an empty white dot next to their name to signify this special status.

Reminder that users who are marked not to count in the PL Stats will not appear in the Individual User Results for the district or any School or Cohort. See the information on editing a user for more details on how remove users from the PL stats. 

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